

  Nutricional supplements

Nutricional supplements

At EcoSalud, Health and Natural Products Exhibition, the nutricional supplements sector has strong presence at the fair, where you can find all nutricional products whose purpose is to complement the diet.

EcoSalud allows manufacturers and distributors to have a personal and direct contact with their sales points and with their prescribers:

  • Herbalists/Dietetics
  • Pharmacies
  • Parapharmacy
  • General stores
  • Dietitians/Nutritionists
  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Natural therapies professionals

Nutricional supplements market spending

1000 mill. €

Growth of the sector

10% annual 

Volume of companies in Spain

+2.000 companies



Dietética“Food products intended for a special diet and appropriate to meet a special nutritional objective.”

Spanish Agency for Consumer Affairs, Food Safety and Nutrition

The sector includes food products dedicated to special nutritional needs:

  • Gluten free
  • Lactose-free
  • Nutrition for athletes
  • Food for weight control
  • Vegan products

  Organic food

En EcoSalud, Health and Natural Products Exhibition, the organic food sector is very important, with a large area designed to facilitate the commercialization of organic products. EcoSalud aims to support the growth of the sector by facilitating a meeting point among professionals, promoting consumption and contributing as a link of sector sectoral organic food.

EU Organic farming logo

  • Spain in the TOP 10 world in terms of internal market volume and year-on-year growth
  • Spain is an European leader on surface dedicated to organic production
The sector confront the future with very positive perspectives, with the aim of consolidating growth and achieving a higher market volume.

Expenditure in the Spanish ecological market

1.686 mill. €


Ecological surface registered in Spain

2,01 mill. ha

1st country of the European Union

Market share of organic products


of the whole food shopping basket

Data extracted from the study commissioned by the Subdirección General de Calidad Diferenciada y Agricultura Ecológica “DEFINICIÓN Y EVALUACIÓN DE ESTRATEGIAS DE POTENCIACIÓN DE LA CAPACIDAD DE INTERLOCUCIÓN Y VERTEBRACIÓN DEL SECTOR DE LA PRODUCCIÓN ECOLÓGICA DE ESPAÑA”, authorship of PRODESCON, S.A.

  Natural cosmetics

natural cosmetics

In EcoSalud, Health and Natural Products Exhibition, the natural cosmetics sector is present with an area destined to products with ingredients of vegetable, animal, mineral or microbiological origin; which includes all those ingredients produced by natural, chemical or traditional natural processes without making intentional chemical modifications, or organic ingredients processed according to organic farming methods established by national legislation.

The development of the natural and organic cosmetics sector is gaining momentum around the world with an approximate growth of 8-10% by year.

Natural cosmetics interior market

450 mill. €

with a future upswing

Growth of the sector


over 2016

In 2017

+100 brands

most of them certified

Data extracted from the article published on the 20minutos blog on May 30, 2017, authorship of Charo Rueda

  Healthy life

They also have a place in EcoSalud, Heath and Natural Products Exhibition, providers of products and services for a healthy life: elements for a sustainable home, natural care, maintenance of health…

  • Healthy cooking
  • Home and health
  • Eco-friendly fashion
  • Sustainable architecture
  • Ecological cleaning products
Healthy life